New publication on single-emitter two-photon-excited fluorescence

Our latest work on two-photon-excited fluorescence of single quantum dots is now published in ACS Photonics! In a nutshell, we showed more than 10000-fold enhanced fluorescence of a single semiconductor quantum dot using a two-photon-excitation scheme. The high enhancement of this nonlinear effect arises mainly from the local field amplification… Continue reading

Congratulations Dr Pradhan!

Congratulations to Dr Biswajit Pradhan, who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Fluorescence of Single Copper Proteins: Dynamic Disorder and Enhancement by a Gold Nanorod” on Tuesday 3 April 2018 at Leiden University’s Academy Building in the traditional manner. Dr. Biswajit Pradhan with his supervisor, Prof.dr. Michel Orrit. Continue reading

New publication in Nano Letters

We are proud of our research! Our latest publication on nanothermometry is in the top-10 most-read NanoLetters papers of the month!

(left) Anti-Stokes emission spectra of an individual gold nanorod excited in resonance with different laser powers. The lines are fits using our model. (right) Extracted temperature of the nanorod for several excitation powers.

Briefly, in this paper we present a method to extract the absolute temperature of an individual gold nanorod by measuring the anti-Stokes emission spectra. We present a simple model to interpret the data and we show that we can achieve 4K accuracy in the temperature determination with only 180s integration time.

Congratulations to the authors!


Congratulations, Dr Carattino!

Congratulations to Dr Aquiles Carattino, who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Gold Nanorod Photoluminescence — Applications to Imaging and Temperature Sensing” on Thursday 9 March 2017 at Leiden University’s Academy Building in the traditional manner. Aquiles Carattino (ctr), flanked by his paranymphs Martín Caldarola (l) and Pravin Kumar (r) Continue reading