Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Michel Orrit on the following paper: Probing the Raman-active acoustic vibrations of nanoparticles with extraordinary spectral resolution by S. Wheaton, R. M. Gelfand, and R. Gordon Nature… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Aquiles Carattino on the following paper: Optical Injection of Gold Nanoparticles into Living Cells by Miao Li, Theobald Lohmüller, and Jochen Feldmann Nano Letters 15 (2015) 770-775… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Sanli Faez on the following paper: Probing Surface Charge Fluctuations with Solid-State Nanopores by David P. Hoogerheide, Slaven Garaj, and Jene A. Golovchenko Phys. Rev. Lett. 102… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. Report on his masters project by Robert Smit Title: Fabrication of Single Electron Charging Devices for Optical Charge Sensing Experiments 2. General information 3. Round table of recent results and news Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Report by Lei Hou on the following paper: Superabsorption of acoustic waves with bubble metascreens by Valentin Leroy, Anatoliy Strybulevych, Maxime Lanoy, Fabrice Lemoult, Arnaud Tourin, and John H. Page… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Report by Michel Orrit on the following paper: Autocorrelation analysis for the unbiased determination of power-law exponents in single quantum-dot blinking J. Houel, Quang T Doan, T. Cajfinger, G. Ledoux,… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda Happy and successful New Year to you all! We shall meet coming Friday for updates, but without paper presentation for organization reasons. 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. No literature report this week. Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Sanli Faez on the following article: Determination of Effective Protein Charge by Capillary Electrophoresis:? Effects of Charge Regulation in the Analysis of Charge Ladders by Manoj K.… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda: 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Biswajit Pradhan on the following article: Plasmoelectric potentials in metal nanostructures by Matthew T. Sheldon, Jorik van de Groep, Ana M. Brown, Albert Polman, Harry A. Atwater… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news No literature report this week because of course in Delft for some of us. Continue reading