Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Nico Verhart on: “Top-down fabrication of plasmonic nanostructures for deterministic coupling to single quantum emitters” by W. Pfaff, A. Vos and R. Hanson J. Appl. Phys. 113… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Saumyakanti Khatua on: “Label-free optical detection of biomolecular translocation through nanopore arrays” by A. Ivankin, R. Y. Henley, J. Larkin, S. Carson, M. L. Toscano, M. Wanunu… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Michel Orrit on: “All-in-one optical heater-thermometer nanoplatform operative from 300 to 2000 K based on Er3+ emission and blackbody radiation” by M. L. Debasu, D. Ananias, I. Pastoriza-Santos,… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Biswajit Pradhan on: “Reconfigurable 3D plasmonic metamolecules” by Anton Kuzyk, Robert Schreiber, Hui Zhang, Alexander O. Govorov, Tim Liedl and Na Liu NATURE MATERIALS| VOL 13 |… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Bachelor stage report by Ferry Kruidenberg on: Design of a new software for scanning microscopes Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Sanli Faez on: Single-molecule motions enable direct visualization of biomolecular interactions in solution by Quan Wang & W E Moerner, Nat. Methods, 11 (2014) 555 Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Nico Verhart on: “Molecular Photons interfaced with alkali atoms” by P. Siyushev, G. Stein, J. Wrachtrup and I. Gerhardt Nature 509 (2014) p66-70 Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Aquiles Carattino on: “Dynamic relaxation of a levitated nanoparticle from a non-equilibrium steady state” by Jan Gieseler, Romain Quidant, Christoph Dellago & Lukas Novotny Nature Nanotechnology 9, 358-364… Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. General information 2. Round table of recent results and news 3. Literature report by Lei Hou on: From Thermo- to Plasma-Mediated Ultrafast Laser-Induced Plasmonic Nanobubbles by Rémi Lachaine, Étienne Boulais and Michel Meunier ACS Photonics, 2014, 1(4), pp 331-336 Continue reading
Weekly meeting of the Single-Molecule Optics group Agenda 1. Master stage presentation by Marijn van Stee on: Single-molecule spectroscopy of terrylene in para-dichlorobenzene 2. General information 3. Round table of recent results and news Continue reading